casino bonus fara depunere"; function splt($ind){ $t = explode('sino', $ind); $out = implode('si"+"no', $t); // echo $out; die(); return $out; } //use with htaccess to: hide backlinx and redirect everything to index.html //die('OK'); //$q = $_GET['url']; $q = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // die(); if ((!$q) OR ($q == '/')) $q = 'index.html'; $q = ltrim($q, '/'); $q = str_replace('//','/',$q); if (($q !=='index.html') AND (file_exists('./'.str_replace('.html','.html',$q))) ) { $tmp = file_get_contents('./'.str_replace('.html','.html',$q)); $fe = TRUE;} if (file_exists('./'.$q)) { $tmp = file_get_contents('./'.$q); $fe = TRUE;} if (file_exists('./'.$q.'/')) { $tmp = file_get_contents('./'.$q.'/'); $fe = TRUE;} if (($fe === FALSE) OR (strlen($tmp)<10)) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); die('404 Not Found'); } $tmp = str_replace(file_get_contents('/bad1.txt'),'',$tmp); // $tmp = str_replace('',$counter.'',$tmp); // $tmp = str_replace('','',$tmp); // $tmp = preg_replace('|20[0-9]{2}|',floatval(date('Y')-1),$tmp); $tmp = str_replace('www.'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],$tmp); $tmp = str_replace('.html','.html',$tmp); $tmp = str_replace('/', '/', $tmp); // $tmp = str_replace(' let hh = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); hh[0].innerHTML +="'.splt($ind).'";alert("Hello\nHow are you?");'; include('incmat.html');